Ear Wax REMOVAL in solihull Pricing
Ear wax removal pricing starts from £40 for 1 ear, £60 for both ears, £25 Consultation Fee if no ear wax present.
Using the latest microsuction technique, our highly qualified Audiologists will be able to remove any ear wax and get you back to hearing better. Microsuction in Solihull is safe, effective and comfortable.
A blocked feeling in the ears is often caused by ear wax build up and can result in ear pain, blocked sensation, tinnitus, vertigo and disorientation amongst other symptoms.
At our clinic, we offer professional ear wax removal in Solihull. We will thoroughly investigate the cause behind your symptoms, especially when impacted ear wax is not found to be the cause of your hearing related symptoms.
Ear wax removal in Solihull has been designed to be comfortable, quick and painless. We also offer same day appointments. Come visit us to have your ear wax removal in Solihull today!
We recommend using olive oil ear drops 3-4 times a day, for 5 days prior to your ear wax removal appointment. Olive oil ear drops will soften the wax and loosen it away from the ear drum and ear canal walls. This allows earwax removal to be painless.
N.B: Please do not use olive oil or any other types of drops in your ears if you have been told you have a perforated ear drum or ear infection.
Please fill in your details on the “Contact Us Form” to request an appointment and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Alternatively you can ring the clinic on 01217094319 and the Reception team can get you booked in immediately.
Hearing Aid in Solihull Prices:
We supply all makes and brands of hearing aids and thus have over 200 models of hearing aids within our portfolio.
- Hearing aids in Solihull come in various designs, styles and technology levels.
- Choosing a hearing aid comes down to your prescription needs and how much you wish to spend on the technology available.
- Your hearing prescription is determined by conducting a detailed and comprehensive hearing test.
We advise you start your hearing journey by booking in for a free hearing test in Solihull. Our expert Audiologists will explain each step of the appointment in detail and go through everything with you.
Prices of hearing aids are dependent on the hearing aid technology and brand. Our prices for hearing aids start from £249.00.
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